Continuous learning

Continuous learning is the process of acquiring new skills and knowledge on a regular basis.

I’m a big believer in continuous learning. It preserves optionality and maintains relevance in an ever-changing world. It’s also believed to improve mental health and increase happiness.

Continuous learning comes in three forms: formal learning, social learning, and independent learning. Continuous learners practice all three forms on a regular basis. 

Formal learning refers to learning from organized courses and programs. Examples include college, certifications, company training programs, and online courses.

Social learning refers to learning from discussions, interactions, and collaborations with others. Examples include knowledge and skills acquired from colleagues, coaches, mentors, and social media.

Independent learning refers to learning from self-directed efforts. Examples include reading books, listening to podcasts, skimming research papers, practice, and experimentation.

As technology accelerates the rate of change, companies will need more continuous learners.

It’s never too late to become a continuous learner. It’s also not too difficult.

Dedicate some time each week for formal learning. Ask more questions in your conversations to increase social learning. And consume more educational content every day to increase independent learning.