Annual prediction - 2021

Today, I am going to take a stab at my annual prediction for 2021.

In 2020, I predicted that an all-in-one “no-code” platform leader would emerge. This didn’t happen. While the no-code space made a giant leap forward, there is no clear leader.  

No-code tools allow users to create apps without knowing how to code. If you’re interested in learning more about the no-code space, I recommend playing around with Adalo or Glide. Both of these tools allow you to build a mobile software application without writing any code.

For 2021, I’m shifting my prediction to video messaging. For context, there are two types of video communication: synchronous and asynchronous.

Synchronous video communication happens in real-time. Zoom meetings are synchronous.

Asynchronous video communication happens one-way at a time with back-and-forth “video messages”. Marco Polo video messages are asynchronous.

Specifically, I predict we will see increased use of asynchronous video messaging in the workplace. To date, the benefits of asynchronous video have been reserved for social purposes. Think Snapchat and Cameo. But, this will change in 2021.

In 2020, social distancing forced us all to get comfortable with synchronous video in professional settings. It’s now normal to “zoom” for team meetings, company parties, and customer sales calls. Moving forward, we’ll naturally begin to incorporate asynchronous video messaging into our professional communications.

In 2021, I anticipate we will see increased use of video messaging around the workplace in the following areas:

  1. Team updates and meetings (e.g. Volley)

  2. Customer communications (e.g. BombBomb, Loom, Vidyard)

  3. Surveys (e.g. Voxpopme, Phonic)

PredictionsRick Lindquist