Social distancing might save lives

If we can slow the transmission of Coronavirus, we can spread its impact over a longer period of time. If we can spread the impact over time, we can lessen the load on our health systems. And if we can lessen the load on our health systems, we might be able to save lives.

One of the most important ways we can contribute to slowing transmission is to practice “social distancing”. Social distancing means staying away from other people to avoid catching or spreading the virus. Social distancing could mean working from home, cancelling travel, or avoiding large gatherings. 

I will practice social distancing until further notice.

Social distancing does not mean social isolation. I plan to take advantage of Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Meet to stay in touch with friends, family, and colleagues. If you’d like to socialize online, ping me on Twitter or LinkedIn.

These are challenging times. Social distancing will alter our economy, it will hamper businesses, and it will change lives.

Some people will be impacted more than others.

This is an opportunity for our communities to grow stronger. It’s an opportunity for us to build stronger relationships. It’s an opportunity for us to help each other.

I’m here to help if I can.

PersonalRick Lindquist